Hiya all,
not much too tell the past week.
I took the kids EVERY day to the waterpark, just for a few hours and boy did they have fun.
Swimming, diving, jumping in, climbing, and everything all over again.
They both got burnt pretty bad, Naiya even more than Calan although I put tons of sunscreen on them...
I finished my second bootcamp past Sunday and even though it was sooo tough and hard, I was soo happy I did it and felt awesome. Now I am VERY sore, but it`s all worth it...
I have been running a lot at the gym too and I have the crazy idea in my head I should start training for a marathon... we`ll see.
Not much happening on the creative front. I have all these ideas in my head, but seems that there is no time since the kids are on summer break. I miss it and can`t wait to get back into it.
Me and Naiya are going on a mini girls trip to New Mexico this week. Can`t wait, should be fun!
Stay cool this week wherever you are!!