I love this feeling when you walk out of the house in a new and crisp morning and you can just smell spring.It just makes me so happy, I feel like I want to spend all day outside and plant new flowers and read a book in the sun. We here in the desert have to enjoy that feeling because in another month or so it will start to get hot and before we know it`s like 80F outside. So this weekend I will spend most of my time outside with my kids. Maybe take them for a bikeride.
Sorry I havent been in touch for a while. February was a very busy month (like always), had some drama going on with my family back home in Germany. But that`s all behind me now. I am moving on.
We adopted our first hero through Adopt-a-Hero
http://adoptahero.us/ and we are very excited to start sending letters and care packages and thank him for all he does to keep us safe. It`s a wonderful program and please consider adopting one yourself. It doesn`t take much, all they want to hear and feel is that we back home support them and that will boost their morals during this time of war.
I also started my diet back up and I am doing really well. I feel like I am addicted to working out. I usually do my work out video in the morning and then I am trying to go on th treadmill at night.I am thinking of starting a 6 week bootcamp program a friend of mine offers. I am not sure if I am ready, I do feel intimidated, but I might give it a try.. :)
This is going to be my reward if I stick to my exercise /diet program. Aren`t they lovely.. I am actually drooling over them.

So I am wishing you a sunny kind of weekend!